Photo:Destination Nord&Læsø Turist- og Erhvervsforening

Læsø Tourism & Business Association

The majority of Læsø's businesses collaborate within Læsø Tourism and Business Association (LTE) to enhance tourism- and business development on Læsø. The association supports activities and initiatives which contribute to a shared growth and innovation for the business life on Læsø. We aim to use our shared economic resources and knowledge on Læsø in the best way possible. The daily activities of the association are run by Læsø Tourism and Business Office on Vesterø Harbour.

On Læsø, businesses are challenged by their geographical location, which is why LTE works tenaciously to create the best foundation for running a business, which will contribute economically and culturally to life on Læsø. This way, we all support and share in the development and innovation of Læsø's society.

The Association Offers

Læsø Tourism and Business Office offers many and various kinds of services to the members of the association and to the businesses on Læsø overall.

This includes workshops, entrepreneurship courses, advice and consultation services concerning business planning, strategi, marketing, website- and social media management.

Are you a business owner, do you want to start a business, or do you just have some ideas and need some guidance, you are welcome to contact Tourism and Business Manager Jens Rulle.

Become a member

Read more here about the benefits of being a member of Læsø Tourism and Business Association.

Læsø Tourism and Business Manager

Jens Rulle
Tlf: +45 93 92 99 40