Light in the Dark on Læsø
On the first Friday and Saturday of November, Læsø, Samsø, Ærø and Langeland join forces to offer everyone lots of exciting activities to experience in the dark month of November.
Light in the Dark 1st and 2nd of November
17.00-19.00 Art exhibition by Erik Skjoldborg n Ludde's House
19.00-20.30 Rønner bus trip across Rønnerne in the dark. Ticket sold at Læsø Tourist Office.
19.00-20.00 Sparkling jewelry and gems at Læsø Håndarbejde. Tickets sold at Læsø Tourist Office.
19.00-20.00 Light painting in Byrum Church. Free tickets can be picked up at Læsø Tourist Office.
20.00-22.00 Video- and sound exhibition by Karen Land Hansen in Byrum Church.
20.00-22.00 Happy Hours on Hotel Havnebakken – enjoy a drink
20.00-23.00 Dark n' Stormy - cocktails in the dark at Café Læsø
20.15-21.45 Bedtime stories on Østergaard Kultur B&B
21.00-24.00 Nighttime food and live music at GuestHouse Læsø
22.00-23.00 Tales under the seaweed roof in the old seaweed house "Skoven" in Gl. Østerby.
Light in the dark 1st and 2nd of November
07.00-08.00 Morning swim and warm-up in Vesterø Winterbathing Association's sauna
10.00-13.00 Art exhibition by Erik Skjoldborg in Ludde's House
16.00-17.30 Short hike in nature for kids, with a bonfire and storytelling
17.30-19.30 Læsø Tapas at GuestHouse Læsø
18.00-21.00 Candlelight Dinner at Hotel Nygaard. Remember to book at table
20.00-22.00 Pizza buffet on Hotel Havnebakken
20.30-21.30 Stargazing in Storedal using a big telescope
21.00-24.00 Nighttime food and live music on GuestHouse Læsø
22.00-23.00 Evening concert in Byrum Church with Læsø's organist Kasper Køhl Jensen

Friday 17-19: Erik Skjoldborg - exhibition and art rental
Læsø Art Association exhibits 10 pieces of art, which you have the opportunity to rent and display in your home.
Exhibition and rental - Erik Skjoldborg
Place: Ludde's House, Byrum Hovedgade
Time: Friday 17-19 o'clock (and Saturday 10-13)
Læsø Art Association exhibits 10 pictures of Erik Skjoldborg.
Ten Læsø residents can borrow these pictures to display in their homes for 6 months!
First come, first serve.

Friday 19 - 20:
Light painting in Byrum Kirke
Learn how to make beautiful images with the app Slow Shutter Cam - Karsten Neve Petersen teaches us how.
Light painting in Byrum Church
Friday, November 1st 19-20 o'clock
Try out and learn how to draw light with a phone. You can make your own images and save them to your phone. Karsten Neve Petersen will explain how to make the images, before you can try it on your own.
You need an app to do so - either borrow Karsten's phone or you can purchase the app yourself (Slow Shutter Cam).
Children and adults can participate for free.
Maximum 20 participants.
Sign-up: Læsø Turistkontor +45 9849 9242 or by e-mail: info@visitlaesoe.dk

Friday 19.00 - 20.00: Sparkling jewelry and precious stones.
Læsø's former vet, Poul Ishøy, talks about precious stones, rocks and jewelry in his workshop on Kongevejen 2.
Sparkling jewelry and precious stones
Friday, November 1st 19.00 - 20.00 o'clock
Kongevejen 2, Vesterø
Poul Ishøy will introduce the subject jewelry-stones, and shows us different gems and precious stones, while explaining their traits and their creation. Poul will also show and explain about local Læsø rocks (sub fossils and hornfels), as well as raw and polished stones from diamonds to cheaper gems. The topic "labgrown gems" will also be touched upon.
Location: Læsø Håndarbejde, Kongevejen 2
Price: 50 dkk.
Tickets purchase: Læsø Tourist Office
Maximum 12 participants
Friday 19.00-20.30: A trip with the Rønner bus in the darkness
Experience a unique trip across the dark salt marshes (Rønnerne) on the Rønner Bus, while listening to tales from the past about the harsh lives of the Læsø women. Departure from Læsø Saltsyderi.
Evening trip with the Rønner Bus, Friday 19 - 20.30 o'clock
Place: Departure from Læsø Saltsyderi
Tickets: There is a limited number of tickets, and they can be purchased from Læsø Tourist Office. Ticket sales open on Wednesday Oct 16th.
Price: 50 dkk for adults, children are free.
Rønnerne (the salt marshes) is a unique area of nature on Læsø. The area is an important piece of Læsø's cultural heritage as the area has held the saline water used for salt making since the Middle Ages. During Light in the Dark on Læsø, you can experience an exclusive trip with the Rønner Bus across the night-black salt marshes, accompanied by tales from the past about the harsh lives of the Læsø women.
Like last year, Flemming Winther Olsen will be your guide and storyteller.
A big thank you to Thomas W. Olsen for lending us a tractor and the new Rønner Bus for this event.
Friday at 20 - 22:
The Sea is a Treasure, Byrum Kirke
Karen Land Hansen's video- and sound exhibition was shown at Læsø Art Festival 2024, and now you can re-experience it during Light in the Dark on Læsø.
»The Sea Is a Treasure« - Video- and sound exhibition in Byrum Church.
Friday evening 20-22 o'clock. The exhibit runs in a loop of 10 minutes.
Artist: Karen Land Hansen
Photo/curator: Rikke Kirstine Kraglund (will be present)
This exhibit is a collaboration with Niels Plenge, who has made the animation and sound for the piece. The art project has been generously funded by Grosserer L.F. Foght's Fund.
Karen Land Hansen has exhibited her art nationally and internationally for many years, most recently at The Nordic Contemporary Art Center in Xiamen, China.
PHOTO: "Blækbot", by artist Karen Land Hansen.
From the exhibition: The Sea Is a Treasure. (Photo: Art historian, Rikke Kirstine Kraglund).

Friday 20 - 22:
Happy Hours on Hotel Havnebakken
Friday 20 - 22 o'clock: Happy Hours
Hotel Havnebakken, Vesterø Havn
Hotel Havnebakken invites you in for 2 happy hours in their cozy lounge area, where you can sit and relax and choose a drink from Havnebakken's drink menu - buy 1 and get 2.

Friday 20.15: Bedtime stories for adults
Kim Juul invites you to a cozy evening with dimmed lights and bedtime stories for adults at Østergaard Kultur B&B.
Friday Nov. 1st at 20.15 - 21.45 o'clock
Bedtime stories for adults
Place: The Orangery or the hall at Østergård Kultur B&B.
At Østergård Kultur B&B, candles will be lit, snack bowls and drink coolers will be filled, and together, we will read a good bedtime story in the cozy, flickering light of the candles.
But ahead of that, Kim Juul will introduce books for the fall and new releases, which may inspire you, and make you curious about new reading experiences.
The night will end with a bedtime lullaby, so everyone may walk home in the darkness with light in their hearts.
Place: Østergård Kultur B&B, Museumsvejen 2
Price: Entrance is free, and drinks can be purchased during the event.
Read more about Østergård: https://oestergaardkulturbb.dk/

Friday and Saturday: Drop-in with tapas, night food and music at GuestHouse
GuestHouse offers a cozy evening with music, a drink and/or food - all of it is drop-in, no reservations are needed - both Friday and Saturday.
Tapas, nighttime food and "hygge"
GuestHouse Læsø
Lærkevej 6, Vesterø
GuestHouse Læsø has, within a very short time, become a favourite location on Læsø, for both residents and guests - and with good reason: GuestHouse is always ready with an event or activity. And during Light in the Dark is no exception: Tina and Mette offer "hygge", good food, music and drinks on both Friday and Saturday.
Fredag between 21 and 24 o'clock you can drop in for some nighttime food with a nice drink to go along with it, or maybe just a drink or an Irish Coffee - accompanied by music by Allan Strøm.
Read more about the Friday menu here.
Saturday from 17.30 o'clock you can stop by for some Læsø tapas, and between 21 and 24 o'clock, nighttime food is served again. Once more, the setting is informal, no reservations are required, and the atmosphere is accompanied by music and good deals on drinks in "snigbaren" (the bar).
Read more about the Saturday menu here.
Saturday at 16 - 17
Guided tour on Østerby Harbour
Listen to the story about the development of Østerby Harbour, Læsø fishing industry and much more during a guided tour with stops along the way.
Saturday 16 - 17.00 o'clock: Guided tur on Østerby Harbour
We will meet up at the langoustine-sculpture, where Susan Poulsen will tell us about Østerby Harbour and the fishing industry through the years. We will visit the yard, where Ole Klitgaard introduces us to the various businesses housed in the yard.
Afterwards, we will walk to the coastal rescue station, where we will be shown around and introduced to the equipment used for rescues.
We finish off with hot chocolate at Lisbeth and Tonny in MB Læsø.
Time: Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 16 - 17 o'clock
Place: Østerby Harbour by the langoustine-sculpture
Sign-up: Send Susan a text message on +45 2033 5954
Participation is free.

Saturday 16 - 17.30: For kids:
A hike, bonfire and storytelling by Skovhytten
Læsø's nature consultant Rasmus Brønnum hosts this activity for children by Skovbytten in Klitplantagen (the dune plantation).
Saturday 16 - 17.30
Skovhytten by Storedalsvej in Klitplantagen
Free and great for kids
Rasmus Brønuum, Læsø Municipality's disseminator of nature, is the host of this child-friendly event during Light in the Dark.
Rasmus takes us for short hike in nature, followed by a bonfire and stories about the birds of the night, specifically Læsø's owls.

Saturday 17 - 20: Pork with a view
at Marina Park
Marina Park offers a great way to warm yourself up on a cold november night: With fried pork and classic side dishes, including potatoes and parsley sauce.
Lørdag kl. 17 - 20
Stegt flæsk med udsigt!
Marina Park, Smedievejen 16, Østerby Havn
Annika og hendes medarbejdere tænder op med hyggelige stearinlys og serverer stegt flæsk med persillesauce, kartofler og rødbeder. Til dessert er der gammeldags æblekage.
2-retters menu 129 kr.
Bordbestilling: Tlf. 4021 4093
NB Happy hour kl. 16-20 med udvalgt øl og vin til 25 kr.
Saturday 17.30 - 24.00: Tapas, nighttime food and "hygge"
Place: Læsø GuestHouse, Lærkevej 6, Vesterø
Saturday, the doors open at 17:30 with tasty Læsø-tapas and nighttime food from 21 o'clock.
Informal and as drop-in (no reservations required), accompanied by cozy music and great offers on drinks in snigbaren (the bar).

Saturday at 17.30-19.30: Pizza buffet at Hotel Havnebakken
Saturday, Hotel Havnebakken light up their outdoor pizza oven and offer a pizza buffet.
Saturday 17.30 - 19.30: Pizza and beer at Havnebakken
Hotel Havnebakken, Vesterø Havn
On Saturday, Hotel Havnebakken fire up their outdoor stone oven to make some of their delicious pizzas. The pizza is all you can eat, and you can choose between pepperoni, ham and kebab. To accompany the food, you can drink as much soda or beer (Odense Classic and Pilser) as you want.
Price for all you can eat pizza and all you can drink beer and soda: Adults 199 kr./ kids u. 16 years old 149 kr.
Saturday 18.30 - 19.30
Guided tour on Margrete Læsø
While Margrete takes the Saturday off, guests can join a guided tour around the ferry and in areas where entry is normally prohibited.
Saturday 18.30 - 19.30 o'clock
Guided tour on Margrete Læsø
Free entry
Meeting place: By the ferry in Vesterø Harbour
Normally, entry is prohibited in the engine room, on the bridge and in the staff quarters on the Læsø ferries, but during Light in the Darkness, you can join an exclusive guided tour on Margrete Læsø.
The tour takes us through the upper and lower levels of the ship, and the final stop is on the bridge, where we will partake in a small refreshment while enjoying the view of Vesterø Harbour from a perspective not many people get to experience.
Maximum 25 participants
Sign-up and tickets can be purchased in the Tourist Office.

Star locations on Læsø
Læsø is, with its beautiful night sky, a fantasic place to go stargazing.
We have, in collaboration with Ruslan Merzlyakov, who is known for his photographs, made a small flyer with Læsø's stargazing locations. The flyer can be picked up at Læsø Tourist office during Light in the Dark.
A collective cultural weekend
On Friday and Saturday, November 1st and 2nd, you can experience a wide array of different events on Langeland, Læsø, Samsø and Ærø, all with the theme Light in the Dark.
The Danish islands offer something very special, and these four holiday-destinations have a lot in common and a collection of unique attractions. In collaboration, the four islands offer many exciting experiences and events all year round.
The project Light in the Dark was the first initiative in the collaboration between the islands. On some islands, light is at the center of the event, some islands focus on the darkness.
But the common denominator is that during this event, when the winter darkness starts to creep in, visitors and guest on the islands can warm themselves during activities and events while experiencing some of the things, that make each of the islands unique, up close.
During many of the events, you can enter and experience places and buildings, which would normally be closed or private, or areas which only a few people know about.
Admittedly, depending on the place and event, the amount of light in the dark varies, but here you can read more about what each island offers during the first weekend of November.
Light in the Dark on Læsø is part of a collaborative initiative between Læsø, Samsø, Ærø and Langeland.
Light in the Dark on Læsø is funded by LLAG.