
All Læsø's many activities

Photo:Inger-Lise Grønberg Jensen&Læsø Turist- og Erhvervsforening

On this page, we have made an overview of the many things you can do on Læsø. Scroll down and see where to bike, fish, swim, shop and much, much more.

And check our overview of events and attractions.

Læsø Seaside Golfklub
Photo: Læsø Turistbureau

Læsø Seaside Golfklub

Welcome to Læsø Seaside Golfklub

Læsø Bio
Photo: Læsø Turistbureau

Læsø Bio

Welcome to Læsø Bio

Vesterø Boldklub
Photo: Læsø Turistbureau

Vesterø Boldklub

Vesterø Boldklub rents out an outdoor tennis court and fitness in a new exercise room

Fisker i bølger
Photo: Læsø Turist- og Erhvervsforening

Angling on Læsø

The first catches are usually reported from Læsø, after which the fish spread through Danish waters

Rønnertur med Kurt

Welcome to a blog about Læsø's nature

Photo: Læsø Turist- og Erhvervsforening